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The Dismissed Dakotas

Many times when talking about the first part of our trip, people mentioned the boring drive of the Dakota’s. Hours and hours of nothing that just needs to be passed to get where you are going. While I can kind of can see peoples point, the eastern portion two thirds are fairly homogenous on first inspection as you fly by on interstate 90 or 94. But I would challenge...

Hometown visit

Our first stop was back in my old hometown of Milaca, visiting our old friends Jim and Julie. They graciously hosted a get together of some of my closest friends from high school. It was good to see Tim and Mike and their families. The friendships I made in high school and college are generally stronger than those I made later in life, so it was very good to meet up...

Family and Friends in the Midwest

One of the main reasons I wanted to move back to the states was to be closer to family, and be able to spend more time with them. So the first part of the trip we spent in Michigan and Minnesota. we were able to spend some quality time with each of my siblings. We stayed at my sister Shelly’s place which gave us lots of time to chat, and she also took me out for a...

The Great American Roadtrip

While growing up in the US, my family didn’t travel a lot. With a family of 7 flying wasn’t an affordable option and driving with that many kids in the car also meant long trips were also not so attractive. We spent a lot of time exploring the beautiful state parks of Minnesota. Even after college I didn’t myself do much travelling, so the high amount of travelling I...


Packing up and saying goodbye

Well we are finally doing it, making the move from Amsterdam to the US. We have been planning for quite sometime for this, but with 2 weeks to go its starting to feel real. It’s tough to know that some of the people I have been having one last dinner or drinks with might be the last time I see them for a really long time. I know some I will be keeping in contact...